Chasing the Dollar: Side Hustles that Can Make You a Fortune

Ways to Make Money Outside your 9–5

3 min readFeb 27, 2024
Chasing the Dollar: Side Hustles that Can Make You a Fortune

Who hasn’t dreamt of financial freedom and escaping the 9 to 5 grind? As the old adage goes, “Money doesn’t grow on trees”. But thankfully, in the age of the internet, it does seem to blossom from multiple different avenues. Many are turning to side hustles as a pathway to this much-sought-after freedom. It’s possible; you can become wealthy by simply investing some time and effort into these exciting, unique side hustles that can potentially make you a fortune!

One of the easiest (and most fun) ways of making money these days is through gaming. Esports and Twitch streaming have exploded in popularity. You might think it’s all a game until you cash that first paycheck and realize you can make your bank account thrive on your ‘hobby’. Heck, it could even make you the next PewDiePie or Ninja!

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”

- Benjamin Franklin

Speaking of investments, trading cryptocurrencies has become another side hustle that’s taking the world by storm. Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin — you might recognize these names from their recent media buzz. Granted, it does entail a bit of risk, but with the right knowledge and strategy, it can be a profitable venture. Our favorite billionaire, Elon Musk, would definitely vouch for it!

Now, here’s a funny story. My neighbor Pete, a laid-back, cat-loving artist, always found ‘money talk’ dull. Yet, one day, he stumbled upon a digital art form known as NFTs. With a raised eyebrow, he gave it a shot — selling his peculiar illustration of a three-legged cat sipping on a cappuccino. To his surprise, he woke up the next morning to find he was $1000 richer! So if you’ve got a creative streak, digital art might be your ticket to extra income and that Tesla you’ve been eyeing.

As the digital world continues to thrive, so do opportunities for making money. Ever heard of dropshipping? Simply put, you sell products online without stocking or delivering them. You provide the platform, someone else does the rest. Best part? It can be done from the comfort of your bed. So, you may want to grab that laptop and start hustling!

And for those who relish human interaction, coaching or consultancy can be a profitable side hustle. Everything from fitness and wellness to business strategy or relationship advice — if you’re good at something, there’s likely an audience willing to pay for your expertise.

Chasing the dollar doesn’t have to be exhausting or mundane. Whether it’s gaming, cryptocurrency, digital art or dropshipping — each one of these side hustles holds potential to make you wealthy beyond your wildest dreams. Remember, financial freedom isn’t just about the destination, but the journey too. And nothing makes a journey more exciting than a road peppered with diverse and interesting ventures.

So, what are you waiting for? Dive in, get hustling, and let the dollars follow!




Investor and entrepreneur. I'll teach you how to achieve financial independence.